The TIFO certification scheme is an occupational certification scheme that has been prepared by the Human Resources Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information with BNSP. This scheme refers to the National Occupational Map of the field Telecommunications which was approved on April 25 2018 with Number 71/KOMINFO/BLSDM/KS.01.07/4/2018 in the Fiber Optic Transport function area The T1304 number and competency packaging used refer to the SKKNI which is determined based on the Decree of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic Indonesia Number 101 of 2018 concerning Determination of Competency Standards Indonesian National Work Category Information and Communication Main Group Telecommunication Fiber Optic Installation Sector. This certification scheme is used to ensure and maintain Jointer competency and as a reference in assessments by LSP and competency assessors.
Competency Unit Details :
J.61IFO00.002.2 - Menjalankan Prosedur Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)
J.61IFO00.004.2 - Membuat Laporan Tertulis
J.61IFO00.008.2 - Memasang Kabel Fiber Optik Ruangan / Gedung
J.61IFO00.012.2 - Mengoperasikan Power Meter
J.61IFO00.013.2 - Memasang Konektor Fiber Optik
J.61IFO00.014.2 - Melaksanakan Penyambungan Fiber Optik dengan Fusion Splicer
J.61IFO00.015.2 - Melaksanakan Penyambungan Fiber Optik dengan Mechanical Splice
J.61IFO00.016.2 - Mengoperasikan OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer)
Basic Requirements for Certification Applicants :
1. At least have completed Vocational High School (SMK) education or equivalent and have a training certificate in the field of Jointer, or
2. Workers who have experience in the Jointer field for at least 2 (two) years sustainably;
Certification Process :
1. Online
2. Offline
3. Combination Online & Offline